3 Jun 2016

Careers Fair 31 May 2016

Professionals from all the major sectors described their typical day and their route to success at the Careers Fair on the 31 May 2016.IMG_4053edit

Students crowded around the Robotic stand hearing how they could become professional programmers, while others got a taste of the art world talking to Gallery Curators and Graphic Designers. Guest speakers James Wong Jr (Chinney Alliance Group) Gillian Castka (Engineer and Consultant) and Andrew Work (Harbour Time) gave presentations on their professional life and careers. Clement Kong (Intern) presented on his mindset and how to begin building your career.

The Careers Fair is jointly organised between the PTA and the Higher Education Office.  There were 50+ professionals at 43 booths covering careers in Accounting, Visual arts, Construction, Engineering, Pharmaceuticals and more.IMG_4091edit

Rebecca Lucas Timpany said, “Students valued the chance to talk and hear from such a diverse range of fields.  One year 10 student commented: I learnt a lot about careers I didn’t know about such as Homeopathy and got more details on things I was just interested in learning about – Police, Aviation. I also considered other jobs I didn’t think about originally like Marketing.”